Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Monday, May 19, 2008

If you 'fertilize' they will 'grow'.

This morning, much earlier than I wanted, I was out on the front lawn disbursing copious amounts of "come here and get it and die you beast die" mixture for the benefit of the residents of my yard. I had hoped for a little heavier dew, as I didn't bother to "wet the lawn" prior to putting it on. We are supposed to be blessed with some water this evening and more tomorrow... if not, my green oasis will resemble the Sahara desert in a couple of days. Never had a green thumb, unless you count that time I flattened it with a hammer and didn't see a Dr. Amazing what a little turpentine and steel nerve will accomplish. Reminds me of when I used to cure poison oak with a little gasoline and a brillo pad.. Sure glad it never got to my face. I got a new Hummingbird feeder today and concocted a batch of red feed for them so will install that in a bit and see if I can lure the little buggers... I love their colors. Specially the red from the 12 gauge. *grin*

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