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Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rape at the pump...

So, my dear fellow Americans... how does it feel, getting totally screwed at the service station without the benefit of the warm close feeling??  

Finally, here on the good old home turf we are feeling what the Eurpoeans and Asians have felt for many years... Big Oil getting in our britches...

Ya know what the Saudis and the Venezuelans are paying for Oil??? No idea huh... Well about a quarter a gallon or so... You know why?? cause their Governments subsidies their oil... it is a government sponsored benefit provided to the people. I cannot apologize for writing this, no more than I can make excuses for the way our Government treats us. Money should NOT be the deciding factor but for the fat cats in W.D.C that, my friends is the bottom line.

1 comment:

Leann said...

I agree that something needs to be done. To expect the "average" family to afford such costs is unreasonable and bull$hit.