Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Monday, September 8, 2008

First day of the week...not for the meek

Up a shade later this morning then Coffee at McDonalds. Off to deliver my meals, I had 15 clients today and one of them was a no show. Came home and made a divider for the cooler. My friend called and cannot decide now (of all times) what size sink he wants.. last time I talked to him this was all done. Worse than some women I know. Read Leann’s blog and went to the Stormieweather blog and commented... don’t know the lady, but when we need support, it oft matters not from whence it comes.
Omar was up early this morning, before me.  I probably would have slept longer, but he was sitting in the middle of the tent banging on an old sauce pan with a wooden meat tenderizer.  
Stumbling from my boudoir, I took a running leap at him and he managed to duck at the last moment foiling my effort to land a field goal with his ugly little head.  He managed to duck into a cupboard before I could get hold of him.  His day is coming, that little bugger.  
I am seriously thinking about volunteering him for the Peace Corp...


Leann said...

That Omar *sigh*

It sounds as if you had a peaceful day. You did not mention if the sick was sucessfully installed or whether the size is still a factor?

Thanks so much for stopping by Stormi's blog. She is a really nice lady and in need of a self esteem boost. She's SO pretty I don't fathom she'll have much trouble meeting men. Whether it's the right one...well who knows?

Of course you're my friend Dennis. And I nicer one I don't think I've met. :-)

denny said...

Atta girl Leann, whisper those sweet nothings in my ear.. you know I love it.

We can all relate to Stormie's situation, not everyone goes thru the reconstructive time required by divorce or death, but we've all walked down a path that wasn't always paved. She sounds like the kind of woman who will survive just fine in spite of the situations shes endured.

I like being your friend. We don't ever seem to have enough of them and the quality ones, like you, are the pearls of the oyster bed...