Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Great breakfast...

I met with my daughter, Melissa, at Sally Mae's for breakfast this morning.  It was a great meal and good conversation too.  She is so much more grounded in her thinking now that she is older... a true pleasure to talk to.
She has her dramaturg competition, (actually an evaluation) in Idaho next week so that will prove interesting, she tells me that it could make or break her budding career in theater... I told her, not to worry, they have her package and there is nothing at all she can do at this point to change the outcome.
Hard for her to put it on the shelf though, as she said, so much is tentatively on the line based on the outcome of this one event.
She says all the news stories about Wells Fargo Executive vacations and stuff is a bunch of bunk... they were actually for tellers that met their banks goals in the previous year... Journalists... getting to have the same rep as lawyers... that can't be good.

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