Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Very cold again this morning to Windows on my pickup frosted over while I was having coffee...

I didn’t wake until the alarm on the clock went off at 5:20 AM this morning and after a brief eight minute phone call to the Philippines I got out of bed got dressed washed my face and went down to McDonald’s for coffee. I had to scrape my window onto pickup when I got ready to come home because it had frosted over. Back home at about 8:45 AM at which time I took care of some personal issues and then cleaned up the kitchen and made some hot chocolate. I will not be having breakfast this morning as Myron wants to take me out to lunch today. It is very cold outside so I hope those of you who read this are able to spend the day inside where it’s nice and warm...

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