Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Another weekend and another Typhoon coming... excitement is in the air

Oct 16, 2010

Nora woke early, and immediately went to make coffee and see the baby... she came back then and we teased a little then she started getting laundry ready for the lady tomorrow and Kenneth prepared pancakes (tough this time) for breakfast.

I had Lollie call me via YM and she got to chat with Nora for about 1/2 hour. They both enjoyed the call although Nora was reluctant to talk at first but she did very well and was sitting here on the bed beside me the whole time. She and Lollie seem to be getting along very very well...

We plan to leave the house about 9:40 for the SM mall and get the things that she needs there. I think she plans to grocery shop some more also as there are things that she cannot get at the local street markets. I have a recording on the phone about the things that we need to pick up that were forgotten last time...

I hope it is not too hot today, although, being in the mall will negate the heat outside but lordy, once you step out of the mall it hits you like a ton of bricks. Typhoon Megi is coming also so that will certainly have some effect on the local weather... I hope it doesn't bring too much rain, the winds could be very very strong though. The forecasters say it could turn into a 'Super Typhoon' by the time it gets here to Northern Luzon. I hope not.

More to follow, stay tuned my ardent fans...

We did go to the mall and had a pretty good time, bought some stuff for Nora, slippers for Kenneth and some other stuff including a clock for the front room.  I bought some meds for the girls special times and some 'Tiger Balm' for bites etc.  We both had 'Halo Halo' and it was good.  Nora is addicted to FarmVille now... I should have known. Nora and Lollie (via a sneaky move by me) had a great chat via the new Yahoo Messenger voip service... I loved listening to her chatting with my Sister on the iPhone... this is something I don't understand why Apple couldn't have incorporated into their 'FaceTime' application... I am sure they will soon or risk loosing revenue to Yahoo.   Looks like our trip is still on for tomorrow, unless the weather really gets bad overnight and I can't really foresee that happening but then I've never been thru a Typhoon before either. We got back from SM and relaxed for awhile then about 45 minutes ago time now is 5:48 PM she had me take her to the Divine market where she bought veggies and pork for tonight's dinner.  We had some chicken at KFC while at the mall but please, don't envision the same menu that we see in the States... not here anyway.  Tolerable, but just a little 'off'. Probably last post for the day, catch you tomorrow after we get back.

From denny's iPad...

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