Last night was strange, I woke up numerous times and was very hot, but my body had not broken out in a sweat... but to the touch, my skin was very warm. Nora became quite concerned and had me take an ibuprophen... I fell asleep again and then after some time, she checked me again and said I was still very hot. I felt OK and told her that. Sometime after that she woke me and said that I was soaking wet, my back, my head and chest were swamped in presperation so I assume that I must have contracted a fever of some kind. I am fine now, but don't know where or from what the fever came... I did have two beers at the birthday party but that was all.
Here, in the Philippines, one can come down with things with virtually no warning at all, a simple innocent bug bite can bring on a fever and have nasty effects on your body. There are so many different little critters around here, we find them in the bed, crawling on the furniture and some are so small, all you can do is feel them crawling on your skin, but cannot see them. It was like that in Viet Nam also. I guess it is a fact that you never sleep 'alone' here.
This morning I feel good, although I didn't feel bad last night. No fever now so that is good... fevers are very destructive even though they are the body's warning system and internal method of killing what ever ails it. Heat, the eternal cleanser.
Monday morning, Joyce has been ironing her school uniform and now is preparing her breakfast, she needs to be at school at 9:30am. Kenneth is on vacation from college for awhile, I believe a week. He wanted to go to Bicol for the week, but I said no because we will be going there in Dec for about 3 weeks.
We had a good time at the party in Kalookan last night, one thing for sure Alex knows how to drive in Philippines traffic, it was amazing to say the least. I met another cousin there that wants me to try and find his father. He served in the USN and was separated from the boy at early age, the father came back to the Philippines twice to find the boy but the boys grandparents each time hid the boy from him for some reason I don't know. I will see if I can search online and find out some information such as if he is still alive and if so where or how to contact him.
I wish I were home to do that as the iMac is better equipped to do things like that I think... the iPad is great for what it does, but as a portable device, it has it's limitations also. Some of them will hopefully be overcome with the next rendition of software, but we will have to wait till November to see.
Nora starts yet another week of treatment, thankfully she will not have to contend with the Typhoon as it appears to have missed this area. If I understand her correctly, it has made landfall and will not live long.
More, will come if more happens...
From denny's iPad...
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