Rather than append the past day's posting, I thought that this morning I would catch you up on the remainder of the day...
We went to SM mall again yesterday, had lunch at Shakeys and then did some grocery shopping at the HyperMart (the grocery store in SM). Nora had just a few items but I wanted to make my Galaxy famous 'Ghoulosh' so I needed to buy the noodles and ground beef and spaghetti (Italian) sauce and some diced tomatoes... we had the garlic and the onions but also needed to purchase some mushrooms.
I reminded Kenneth how the process goes and he proceeded to put the meal together... Allow me to wrench my arm as I pat myself on the back... it turned out just grand and everyone loved it (takes a bow). After the applause dies down I shall continue my overture of how the day went... yuk yuk yuk...
Anyway, after dinner, Alex came by and brought a package of a different style of Kimchi that his Korean friend provided... it is made using radishes ( the hot variety of white ones). I didn't like it as well as the cabbage based Kimchi though. We consumed the two bottles of 'Red Horse' beer 500ml. and lied to each other as much as we could and then, and only then, did he approach me about why he could not log into my wireless internet...
I told him that I had been informed that the name of the site had been revealed to the neighbors and that they were using it, free of charge and slowing down my connection so I had to do some preliminary housekeeping and kick the leeches off my connection... I then went to his apt. and hooked him back up with the subtle warning that he needed to keep the name of the port to himself... although inebriated, he concurred and we concluded the evening festivities in a most pleasant manner.
Nora was tired, but I feared that she would have yet another night of interrupted sleep so I told her to take a tylenol pm which she did. She slept very nicely all night so my attack on her insomnia seemed to be effective. She, like most of the human species, gets a little testy when we are deprived of sleep, my sister, Lollie, can attest to that fact as she often has battles with the sandman and ends up awake or in a fitful sleep state.
Gareth on the other hand, seems to have completely overcome the problems he used to experience regarding sleep issues, for that I am thankful.
We tentatively will attend church today, but as with most things here in the Philippines, it remains to be seen or should I say occur?..
So much for this issue, Have a wonderful day whereever and whoever you are, remember it is written and will happen in spite of your desires so roll with it and enjoy the day God has given you...
From denny's iPad...
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