Well, last night was not the most comfortable as the heat remained with us and made sleeping a sticky affair. Toss and turn to try to get comfortable but to no avail... of course, this steel bed and the lousy 4" foam pad over it is not conducive to a decent nights sleep and with my back it is rather a challenge. Oh well, not for ever thank God.
We were awakened by the street urchins, they invaded our yard about 6am with their incessant screechings... Nora finally went out and told them to go back home and play. Ah, but for a slingshot... no, actually a bucket of water seems to do the job nicely, plus they get the added benefit of a early morning bath and by the looks of them (squatters children) bathing is somewhat of a hit and miss affair.
I have, though it seems well hidden at times, great compassion for them and the life they live. Amazing that they can keep going from day to day. Most of the adult males seem to find money somehow, menial tasks, recycling garbage or selling harvested banana leaves or bottles found is the supplement of their incomes... there is no welfare here in the Philippines, if you don't have it, or have inherited it, it just ain't there.
Nora will do the second of her 5 day stint to St. Lukes clinic today and then tomorrow will be hump day... next week, we leave for Basud and 11 days of freedom from St. Lukes clinic and the urchins that haunt our property and cause me headaches...
Lollie, Kenneth revealed to me yesterday that he wants to spend some of the money I gave him to buy a new school bag (backpack)... I strongly hinted to him to wait and see what might appear after the first of the year.
Thank you for a great conversation yesterday, thankfully the connection was better than usual and we were able to converse nicely and not have but 1 recall.
I have no particular plans for today, don't yet know how hot it will be, but whatever the temperature, I will surely wish it were 15 to 20˚ cooler.
I shall leave you with this thought... God gave you to me as a gift and I cherish this gift given by him and will forever be thankful to him in his benevolence.
Love ya baby Sister !!!
From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)
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