Today is Christmas Eve, the day before the event that changed the world. Forever shall man remember the day of the birth of the Savior of mankind... Jesus comes tomorrow in celebration of his birth (though he is with us now as this holy event happened over 2,000 years ago) but what a man, what a God and Savior he is !!! Never before in recorded history has such a man lived or impacted the lives of so many... even those who don't believe in him and the message of salvation are in awe of him either favoably or not remains the fact that his impact has been felt by everyone.
Ah, last night the sleep was good and the rain plenty. We woke this morning to flooded yard and running water in streams... a great day for the plants I guess. Tends to make me wonder if we will actually go to Daet today or not. If the rain continues, I may send Nora in on the tricab rather than taking ours and risking the poor weather driving.
Today will be a day of much preperation regarding the food and celebration that will occur after we all attend Midnight mass tonight. A very long day shall ensue with much coming and going of relatives and friends as is the Philippines traditional way of celebrating this the greatest of all holidays.
Nora's red aunt has come to visit so she has the typical accompanying symptoms but that is OK, she is getting closer to wanting to eliminate that particular aspect of womanhood as it only serves one purpose and we won't be having any more children.
Baby denny has been having a great time with the onslaught of so many new relatives and people to show attention to him. His newly found ability of transport, mainly walking, has given him a serious case of increased mobility. It is good for him though and he is of good spirits also this morning for which we are all thankful...
Nora has occupied herself mostly with getting desserts made and preparing for the dinner meal. I think that the big gathering of family may be less than expected because of the extreme damp conditions and local surface flooding.
Dinner was at 7pm, I had a large plate of Nora's spaghetti and then a little pusher helping to move things along... She makes a really good Graham cracker, heavy cream and pineapple dessert that is a typical Filipino dessert that I think all Americans would like as well. Lollie, she has told me she wants to make it for you also.
We might go visit Auntie and Uncle just up the road half a block for a little while, going to church probably will not happen as it is just too wet. But we will go on Sunday for sure.
Merry Christmas Eve to all there in the USA even though it is a day early, it is now here...
From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)
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