I see it would appear that I have started to develope a habit of combining two days into one post, I don't want to continue or rather expand that habit, but yet this is another one.
Saturday we did go to the Mall in the afternoon, but it was not an expensive day this time, I only spent the money to buy us each a Halo Halo dessert dish, the rest of the time was spend window shopping by Nora, looking at clothes and purses and shoes etc. It was a nice time and we took a few pictures also which are on Facebook now.
The one series of photos are of a street girl, little thing goes each day to the Jeepney terminal in hopes of begging enough to survive yet another day... I wonder of her parents or guardians if she has any or older siblings if not... How can a country allow for things of this nature to continue unabated. It seems to be human nature to conserve our accumulated wealth for some mysterious time in the future when we might need it rather than to share... Oh, I know many do give, but so many more don't. I gave to this little girl even though she hadn't asked me, I could have given more but didn't... why? I don't know why. Sometimes it seems like taking a teaspoon of water out of the ocean... what difference does it make? Unless you give a teaspoon to every living person and make them dip also, there will never be an appreciable difference. Children and adults alike deserve a better existance than what is demonstrated by these street children.
After returning home, the rest of the day was a carbon copy of most days here at the apartment, baby crying children outside making racket, more animals...turkeys running loose, rooster calling to his idiot friends, ducks, geese, ants... oh yes always the ants.
Sunday morning, we got up early and prepared to go to Divine and 9am mass. I sat thru yet another one, not understanding the language, standing then sitting then standing etc, all ritualistic of the Catholic process of saving us. I would never rejoin the Catholic church or any other organized religious organization again, I much prefer the Non-denominational Christian faith that I prescribe to currently. It serves my purpose and fulfills my Christian needs quite nicely.
After church, Nora needed to shop a little for lunch so I waited by the drugstore for her to finish. When she was finished we took a tricab home.
The boys in the back were busy preparing for the birthday get together of Kiggin, the cousin of Nora and son of Alex's sister LiliBeth who will be miving back to Bicol, and Basud next month.
The song machine was there so I knew that we would be seronaded that evening and we were, until about 1am this morning (today is Monday here). The happiness at the party was nice to see, it appeared that everyone had a good time... the singing left something to be desired, but it was hard not to get caught up in the spirit of the occasion. Oddly, the men do most of the singing, not the women.
From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)
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