Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

It's over and beginning again...

Life throws a mean curve ball sometimes.  I remember when I was younger and my Dad used to tell me that just when I had all the answers to lifes questions, they would change all the questions... It is so very true.  We wander around this planet in search of success and happiness and we taste from many different wells in that quest.
Years ago, the bucket would reach the water easily as the well was very full and the water very fresh... Now I find that there is barely enough rope on the crank to allow the bucket to reach the water and if it does reach, then the water is no longer fresh, but rather stagnant with age.
I've almost decided to walk the rest of the way home alone, consoling myself with the thoughts of many wonderful memories formed over the years over numerous relationships.  I have friends and I thank God for them but in the end, it is me and God who traverse this road.
This is not a bad place to be, there are many who have so much less and yet travel on they do.  I am certainly no less than they and I go forth with head held high and expectations yet unrealized.
Every day is a new challenge with it's own disappointments and it's own opportunities.  I continually seek the pearl in the oyster of life. In my life, there are no "Half empty glasses"...
To those of you who may read this, cement your happiness in life by being dedicated to the prize.  Never lose sight of the reason you began the search.  Happiness is something you create regardless of where you are.  Never depend on another for your happiness, depend on yourself to provide happiness.  
Never give up hope, and always show appreciation to those who are kind to you and those you value.  Friendship is a priceless commodity not to be carelessly squandered or taken for granted.  Rather it is like a valued plant, something you continually nurture and water and care for...
Enough of this, the cauldron runs dry for this issue... Take care and God bless.

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