Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Yet another "Friday"... what now?

Well, pickles in the woodpile.. here we go with another beautiful weekend and my arm is not yet to the point where riding the 'Hog' would be advisable... Damn I am dumb sometimes. This afternoon, I will mow the yards and it will be hotter than the devil but the requirement is knocking on my mental door so I must address it... Tomorrow I will invest some money in Sam Walton's retirement center and get the stuff to kill off the moss and the clover and dandylions that seem to have taken up permanent residence in my yards... Damn them!! Maybe I should salvage them for some Dandylion wine?? Anyone know how to make it?? I've heard that the greens are good in salads too but I've never gotten the nerve to try it. Anyone reading this like "Peanut Butter Cookies" *big smile* You know who you are, don't you !!
Brownsville park... gotta check that out for a future date... right??


Leann said...

Absolutely!! Hopefully before the heat of summer sets upon us and drains the joy from the experience. Although the company I'm sure, will distract from any discomfort :-)

denny said...

Omar once told me that he used sugar water to catch camels... I asked him just how this all worked. He told me that he digs a really large hole in the sand and fills it with sugar water.

When the camel comes up to take a drink of the wonderfully sweet water, Omar kicks him in the "Sweet Hole". Odd concept, but what would you expect from a Camel herder...