Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Doldrums..."Gray" and damp...

There are few things that actually are capable of bringing me down emotionally... One that can and sometimes (not always) does, is a continuous flow of Gray, overcast and rainy days.  Much to be said for Vitamin D the "sunshine vitamin".  

Luckily, I have things within the confines of my tent that can and do keep me occupied, but there is nothing more invigorating than a sun filled day with wispy clouds and a light breeze.  I know it's coming the question, of course, is when...

Leann... did you check to see if you have a pulse?? *grin*... WoW, that is quite a nap you took.  Fact is though, you are probably somewhat sleep deprived and the old body just decided to collect the debt.  

We are, actually by design, a daylight animal.  I know many don't work days, but they all suffer from some deprivation because of the off hours they work.

Hope you got the gift bought and the directions obtained... Oh Yeah, and liked the rose bud...

Later people, Omar needs help...

1 comment:

Leann said...

I did enjoy the rose bud. It was beautiful. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. I know we are normally daylight creatures and necessity dictates otherwise unfortunately. Hopefully before too long a full time DAY position will open up and I can go back to being a normal person. Altho normal is pretty subjective.