I stopped at Roth's and did some shopping today for a 'Breakfast for Dinner' thing tonight. I am seriously looking forward to some Jimmy Dean Sausage (hot) and perhaps some scrambled eggs and a couple pieces of whole wheat toast. I don't cook often, but I will tonight as I don't have any friends that invite me to dinner *hint*.

Tomorrow, I will pick up Ralphy for a visit, Julie called yesterday afternoon to let me know that Ralphy passed his physical with flying colors and he weighs 77.5 lbs which is perfect
for his frame.
Well Obama has it in the bag for the Demopubilcans so now the big question remains who he will tap for the VP slot. Hillary would be a smart choice, but I along with many others believe there is way too much animosity between Barack and Michele and Hillary to get them all in the same bed together. I think it would be an awesome ticket.
It's nice to hear Ralphy is doing well and is a healthy canine.
I will invite you to dinner just as soon as I get more than one chair in my place. Hopefully will have a dining room set soon. I'll be much more inclined to entertain then.
Take your time Leann, Rome wasn't built in a day and your dining room set won't appear overnight either.
Old Ralphie is doing pretty darn good for his age, I hope to be in as good condition as he is when I reach the equivalent age in human years.
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