Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Quiet.  Nothing special is happening today... But, Cathy is leaving for her home in Alabama.  
I see loneliness in her eyes, it is a sadness that comes on the evening wind when the day is done and the night is approaching.  When it becomes so very quiet and the air settles and nothing moves.  It creeps into our souls and takes a grip on our heart.
Those are the moments of reflection, the times we question why and how did we end up here, alone and in the dark.  It was never the plan, not the direction we would choose, but the ultimate end of our dream.  Cathy, you don't walk alone... know that.
It is the Sunny days with whispy clouds and a light breeze that give us cause to appreciate life and search for the missing happiness.  I love the Sunlight and blue skies of Summer.  Each day changes happen, some good and others maybe not so good.  Luckily, as time goes on, more good ones seem to surface and we dig a deeper hole to bury the ones that are not so good.
Connections, that is what we wish for, but as we mature in age, they are more difficult to form because we look at others thru calloused eyes and a fog of critical judgement and the pain that we've suffered whether by others or self inflicted.  God is my salve and salvation and as my daughter said last Sunday at her church..., he never turns away or leaves us alone.
Wow.  That is totally deep enough of a thought pattern for now.  Back to things of happiness and joy.  8 days and I leave for Ca.  I hope my sister has plenty for me to do as I dislike just setting around with nothing to occupy myself.  I love working around the home.


Leann said...

I loved this post when I read it earlier today and knew I had to come back and re-read it. You put into words very eloquently those times of being single that aren't so much fun.

denny said...

Yep, them times really do suck but somehow we manage to push thru them to the sunlight on the other side.

It's great to hear from you Leann, you are often in my thoughts.