I also turned in my mileage for the deliveries.
I bought two wooden bowls that were ordained with cane whip in a really nice weave. They are about 14“ and stand about 5” tall and made with Philippine mahogany wood. They were sold for $15 each which I thought was a steal.
The weather looks good so far, but the prediction for the weekend isn’t all that great.
I stopped in at Roths on way home and got some plumbs and some peach halves for my cottage cheese.
Don’t know what the rest of the afternoon will bring, but I am thinking about bicycling around to the various garage sales.
Omar won’d acknowledge Achmed... must be a family rift.
MacJournal 7.0.1b5
5 years ago
1 comment:
I thought the weekend was suppose to be nice?? Has that forcast changed? Guess I need to keep up a bit better. Just means holiday pay for me :-)
Hope you enjoy your weekend Dennis. Pics of the bowls?
Perhaps it's a good thing, for the moment that Achmed and Omar are not on speaking terms. Imagine the damage they could reap together!!
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