Omar is out in the back shoveling up the camel droppings and is wearing some kind of toga type thing... I don't see how they can stand the heat.
Cathy wrote me and said that she's been pretty busy and hitting the hay earlier than usual and that's why I've not heard from her... says everything is fine so that's good.
Leann is in a state of transition I think. Poor girl is searching for gold in a lead melting cauldron. By the way Leann, nice START on the new blog site... hang in there, it will come along nicely once you get adjusted a little bit.
By the way, how did brother like his gift??
I will have Ralphy until Saturday morning as the next two days are just too hot to be in a home without any AC. For those who don't have it, I offer my sympathy.
I am looking or gold in a lead melting cauldron? I don't understand that, so 'splain please :-)
Son loved his gift. Took him to wally world to pick out some games so he's good to go. Got the kids a swimming pool also for fun in the's even hotter over there.
Leann, I answered this on MSN so will not further elaborate on here...
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