Coffee at McDonalds a little earlier than normal. From there, Ralph followed me home where I pulled off the alternator from his Buick and also repositioned the cover of the air filter which was askew.
Went down to Napa to see Ben and get another alternator but he hadn’t came in yet so we browsed a little then he finally got there. The new alternator cost Ralph $0 so he was pretty pleased about that.
Back home, I reinstalled the new alternator and the job was finished.
Today looks quite nice, I just washed the stainless steel measuring tumblers and the 4 bowls I bought yesterday at Wal★mart.
I have no particular plans today except for mowing the front yard after the sun gets it dried out.
I may go for a ride on the harley, I don’t know yet.
Just finished reading both Leann and Cathy’s blogs... things are exciting, it is nice to share events with friends and even better to be in a position to pray for those in need. Makes me feel good.
On the home front, nothing from Omar, perhaps Achmed took him along??
Ah well, tis a matter for the foggy mind to dwell upon... in the mean time, I am including pictures of my first attempt at sweet (zucchini) bread... Oh, ya, it smells so very good too.

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