I got home and put together a 'humungousitantic' pot of Spaghetti which my daughter and I will enjoy this evening or early afternoon...
There was only one little problem in the production process of this pot... I got busy doing something and let it burn on the bottom... because of that I had to empty the pot (messy process) then clean the original pot (ugly bottom) and then put all the sauce back in and put it back on the burner on simmer. I think the the pot doesn't have a thick bottom which may have contributed to the problem.
It is simmering and smelling a lot like Italy in the tent. Lots of garlic and a red onion (that had an attitude). I am considering how to best freeze the portions I will have left and think that perhaps using the food saver and quart bags will be the best.
Anyway, it will be a good dinner and we should both enjoy not only the eats but also our company together.
The weather is definetely turning 'fallish'. Beautiful. The squirrels are busy in the trees gathering for the winter to come.
Spaghetti..yummy...should be a good dinner for you and your daughter. Nothing makes a sense of home like aromatic smells eminating from within.
Enjoy your day dear sir.
I am glad to hear that you and Melissa had a good dinner together.
I fixed vegetable soup for us tonight.
I am glad you have the cooler weather. Ours has been in the upper forties in the mornings and getting to the low eighties up in the day.
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