I watch and listen to O'reilly's 'No Spin Zone', but over the last few weeks, maybe even a month, I have decided that Mr. O'reilly's "Traditional" views and political stance have, or so it seems to me, taken a decidedly "Right" swing. I am not sure if it's always been there, but it is much more apparent to me lately.
Regardless who wins the White House, I will support them as a good citizen should, not blindly though, as might a political lemming. We get close to the proverbial cliff, this little guy is bailing. I know which side of the bread my butter is on, but I also am strong enough to give up butter... should the need arise.
With that bit of insight, I leave you to pursue your days activities remembering at all times that what we have is temporary to be soon replaced by what we shall get... Life works.
Omar sends greetings to all and of course is considering what new and great adventure he will find himself ensnared in... I will keep you posted.
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