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Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Fresh and bold new beginning...

I am a happy camper this morning.  The future, as I see it, looks much brighter and the potential for our wonderful country to regain it's prestigious position in the world looks achievable once again.  
Mr. Bush... it's time to pack your suitcase of disgrace and exit.  Your reign of failure has ended.  I am sorry you failed so miserably.  The American people deserved more.
Mr. Obama, to you sir, I wish safety, good judgment and the support of our Nation.  
It is a time of new beginnings, a time to right the wrongs that have been committed and hopefully a time to regain the prosperity that once adorned our country.  Many perils await our new president, but I for one will be doing what I can to ensure his success.  May God bless him.
Omar asked me about dual citizenship... says he really likes our new president.
I believe that many things are going to undergo massive changes and others will be subtle changes.  The man I will support, Barack Obama, will forever change the face of politics and the perception of America around the world.

1 comment:

Leann said...

I do believe that is one of the brightest things Omar has ever said :-)

If Obama has done nothing else, he has given this nation desperately needed hope. Will we like everything he does, most likely not, but hope is worth so much.