Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Grey? or Gray?? either way...

The sky is blanketed in a cloak of misty Grey air, as though the clouds had descended upon the ground.  Dampness prevails, the roads are damp and there is a chill to the air...
Coffee was what it always is, the usual folks show up with the same old stories and attitudes... It amazes me how easily I've fallen into the daily habit of coffee with friends.  The coffee isn't all that good, but it is the extension of myself into a known group that seems comforting.  Part of aging I am certain, especially when one lives alone.
Nothing exciting is on the agenda for today, I think that perhaps I will vacuum as it seems that I've not done that for awhile.
I hope your day is bright and happy.  Mine will be fine, better once the sun appears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there.

I am catching up a little using Alan's computer. I still can't get on line with mine. I have no idea what is wrong.

We had some rain yesterday so it is damp outside.

Have agreat day and I will catch up with you later.