Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Once again, the sky is blue... mostly

Although it was chilly while delivering the meals today, it was nice to see some blue sky for a change.  Fog is one thing that I have no appreciation for.
14 clients today, the ones added are close together so that makes it nice and it only added 1 mile to the route.
Tonight is wrestling so that is something I can enjoy.  Although it is fake and for entertainment purposes only, I do still enjoy the story lines.
Nothing special about today, Omar mysteriously re-appeared this morning... when I asked about where he'd been, he mumbled something about mist and lost his way... I saw some suspicious piles, steaming a little in the furthest corners of the back yard.


Leann said... piles...

I too enjoy the blue sky over the fog. I dislike the fog intensely. It is so isolating, and cold, and penetrating, and...need I go on?

Is there actually a story line to wrestling??

Anonymous said...

We are finally getting into the cooler weather. It was in the thirties last night and you all know that southerns can't handle the cold weather. Out highs are going to be in the high 50s. But next week we may be back into the 70s. You never know.

Bama is still #1. They have only one more game in the season and it will be the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The Iron Bowl.

Have a great day.

denny said...

Leann, to be safe, I believe in the old adage... "Leave Steaming piles Lie"... seems to make sense to me and of course with an insider knowledge of Omar's habits, doubly so.

Cathy... you can't not be proud of that 'Bama Football team... makes a person want to fly a 'bama flag and eat 'fried green maters' don't it???

Anonymous said...

It has been awhile since Bama has been where they are today. A lot of that is due to the coach. He deserves a pat on the back.

What else would you expect from the southerns here. We are proud of our teams and enjoy those fried green maters'.