Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A very 'certain' odor persists...

Wednesday, not only known as 'Hump day' but in my case the last day that I carry with me on my route an older gentleman by the name of 'Bob'... he is nice enough of a guy but as I have found with many elderly folks, he tends to shy away from ample use of 'Soap and Water' and thusly emits a rather pungent odor that lingers after he leaves.  
I believe the reason elderly folks do this is that frequent bathing tends to dry out their skin and make them uncomfortable.  For those so afflicted, I highly recommend a good deodorant.  I didn't mention it to him, but did have to air out the cab a little.
We've had fog and clear and low clouds as a weather experience so far... I have a load of clothing in the dryer and then my chores for the day are done.
From now on, I will deliver meals every weekday except for Wednesdays.


Leann said...

Oh, I'm afraid I'd have to be doing rounds with the windows down. That's the one thing that gets me in the ER is the smell of people...some not so pleasant.

I am off to read more Omar adventures :-)

Anonymous said...

I see you are finally making yourself useful by working four days out of the week. GRIN!!!! It is good for you and it helps to keep you young.

Have a great day!!!!!!