Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday morning and it's overcast

I really wanted to stay in bed this morning, but knew if I did I would be tired all day. So I got up and got dressed, then went down to McDonald’s for my usual coffee. It is supposed to be warm today about 82°. I hope it reaches that but I have a feeling it will be humid. I need to go to Corvallis, to the Kinko store and pick up my printing. They said it would be ready by 11 AM. Not too bad a price about $18 to have it printed and bound. I might go to Philomath, and see Melissa.

1 comment:

Leann said...

Hope you enjoyed yesterday. It did get as warm as they predicted but I did not notice it being humid. It was yesterday morning when I went for my walk but it burned off nicely. It looks wonderful again today and I'm going to head out for a walk here soon. Enjoy your Thursday Dennis!