Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The end of the weekend has finally arrived

I woke this morning about 5 AM and decided that that was much too early to get up especially for a Sunday morning. Rolled over and slept till about 6:22 AM at which time I rose washed my face got dressed and prepared to go to coffee. At McDonald’s, it was the same group discussions varied a little bit now and then but essentially a repeat of Saturday morning and Friday morning and almost every other morning, one difference is that Bill was there and I gave him the receipt for his business cards and told him that it would be a $30 charge. He proceeded to tell me that he blew up his lawn mower this weekend and had Sears come out to fix it and they accused him of running it with no oil. I don’t believe you ran it with no oil and Sears is going to fix it for him under warranty. Sometimes it is amazing how companies will attempt to get out from under their obligations by accusing the customer of misdeeds or erroneous procedural problems. It all boils down to money and the pursuit thereof. Strawberry fair is over for another year the carnies will be leaving this evening going to yet another city to ply their wares. I didn’t go to any of the events and yesterday didn’t even leave the house instead I decided to do some cleaning. Probably a better decision and it did save me money. That’s about it for now, hope y’all have a wonderful day.

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