OK, I know that I said that I probably wouldn't put anything up here till I retured from Korea, but ya know, I lied !!!
I am staying with Nora at her Sister and brother in laws place here in korea, their entire house would fit in my kitchen/dining/living room and there are (including me) 5 of us here. Boy, you talk about learning how to live in different conditions.
Let me tell you though, they are the most accomodating lovely people I've met in a long long time. Lyn, Nora's sister is of course philipna, her husband (I can't even pronounce his name ... it sound like 'Chaise' but drop the 'se'. Very nice, quiet man and wanting so badly to communicate across the language barrier and it is difficult. Lyn has a good understanding of English, not like we do, but good enough to communicate and with minimal effort you can understand what it is she is saying, and she knows a fair amount of Korean, having the benefit of living with a Korean man.
They have a little boy, he is 6 years old and this little guy looks like a Sumo wrestler... he has an absolutely unsaitable appetite for just about any thing that will fit in his mouth... cute little guy though.
Last night, Chai told Lyn that he wanted to take me to a Korean restaurant for dinner... what an experience that was, from the sitting on the floor to the cooking of the various meats and he also introduced me to a Korean style whiskey that I must tell you reminds me of Hudson Bay 151 proof rum... I am quite certain that it took off at least one layer of skin in my throat... Not bad after the initial swallow but Oh my, that first one is something. The way they eat is to take a leaf (good sized) of lettuce or a large spinach leaf and pile on the meat and other condiments, then wad it up and stuff it down the hatch. Again, to be able to experience the culture in it's natural setting is absolutely irreplaceable.
Now a word about my bride to be. In my mind, for a long time, I've harbored the image and thoughts of what a woman would be like if I could pick all the attributes like you do clothing out of a closet... In a word, Nora fits the bill perfectly. She is so very genuine and honest and by nature, nuturing in all aspects. I knew, that if I prayed hard and long enough, God would answer my prayers and in Nora, my prayers have been answered I assure you. The hardest thing next to leaving here at the end of the month, will be the waiting that we will have to do before she is allowed entry to the United States. My eldest son, Sean, said, 'Dad, you're crazy', my hope of course is that it was meant in a good way, the other two, Melissa and Nick have made no response at all so I suppose either they didn't get the email or perhaps they just don't know what to say... either way I do hope that they accept her... in the chance that they for some reason don't, well.... that brings up some rather ugly possibilities so I will just hope they do.
Take care my friends, pray for my happiness and safety and I will post another day...
MacJournal 7.0.1b5
5 years ago
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