Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Damp and may rain again today... warm though

I woke at 2:30am then back to sleep till around 4:30. Dozed on and off until about 5:20 when I called Nora. Nothing has happened with Jenny... Nora is worried about her as a good mother would be but I told her that Maria told me most filipina girls run late in their first childbirth... my only hope is to reassure Nora and help alleviate her fears. I am certain it will be just fine. It is now 5:41 AM and I am getting this update out of the way. I may write more upon my return from the McDonald's coffee time... we shall see. McDonald's was OK, the coffee always reeks but that is OK also. A quick trip to the Senior Center to dispose of the boxes then back home where I made some oatmeal and hot chocolate. Kitchen is now clean. I also put my paperwork and Maria’s in envelopes to put into my carryon luggage for the trip. Hope you all find something rewarding to do today... I am tying up loose ends...

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