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Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

End of the month, Halloween, spooks, ghosts and Goblins... Trick or Treat???

Oct 31, 2010

Halloween in the states, and it is also celebrated here in the Philippines and the children have their little masks and costumes (those that can afford such things). I don't believe that they do the typical American thing of 'Trick or Treat' though. Fireworks seems to be prevelant though, sans the restrictions you find in the USA.

We awoke this A.M. at about 6:50. Both of us slept well it seems and Nora was in a good mood and already to tackle her facebook and Farmville stuff... I told her again that once in America, the phones and iPad will not be in the bedroom. It seems that those types of distractions have really gained her attention... which means that attention must be taken from something else... get my drift??

Today, we want to go to Mecauyan for some street shopping and perhaps a repair of Kenneth's cell phone. I also want to buy a new broom for inside the house as the old one is shot.

Alex's father in law's birthday is today and there are two other birthdays also so there is some celebration to be had and we've been invited so that will have to be put onto the schedule, Nora wants to go to church so the day has managed to populate itself with varied events... should make it go by faster though.

I finally got 'We Farm and We City' loaded onto her phone and the iPad so now there are many games available to play and occupy time with.

Chatted with Lollie via YM yesterday for a bit, the connection could have been a little better, the conversations were choppy but we managed just fine. They were going to watch the 3rd game of the world series today so that will of course be interesting.

Should more occur, more will be written...

From denny's iPad...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yet another day has come and gone and one less on the calendar. it sounds to me like you have a real little techy, game player on your hands ! it is Ok, know how we all love our games !!!! Ask Nora for me if there is some kind of tutorial for "FarmVille"? I would like to try playing it more, but would also like to have more of an idea of what I am doing.

I was going to ask you....are there not any movies that you can rent to play there or do you not have a DVR/or some kind of device to do that? Too bad you don't have your Wii there, but then you can't take everything, right?

Halloween here is tomorrow evening and we have yet to get any candy for the kids. We will do that tomorrow, but will not have much of anything for decoration as I am saving my wrist. I would like to do more for Christmas if my doc says it should be ok.

Not much new here. Because of the game today, I did not want to go for a walk, but will certainly do so tomorrow. I am doing well losing my weight....I have managed to keep off what I have taken off, so that is good. Now, the next half or pound off will be an all time low for me for a few years now. I am excited about the prospect.

We are planning on going to church tomorrow and i am planning on wearing my new boots from Victoria's Secret that come over my knees and have 4"heals. Hope I can wear them without having foot problems. We'll see and I'll let you know.

Take care and know that you are all loved very much 1