Today is Joyce Anne's 13th birthday, her entry, if you will into the mixed up and complicated world of teens. She is already mature of body and quite fetching. I am fortunate, all of my children whether of the past marriages of mine or the present are quite handsome and beautiful. God has seen fit to bless me abundantly in that respect. I hate to say it, but some children are, without a doubt, butt ugly. Quite often following the trend of their parents...
I don't consider myself at all handsome, but butt ugly I am not and all of my 4 wives have been beautiful women... some moreso than others and all in their own unique way... in all fairness to the race, all of Gods children are beautiful, just some manage to miss out on the physical characteristics that we've come to admire or despise depending upon our own preconcieved tastes.
In reflection of my above statement, I recind my thought of a child being as I said "butt ugly'. All humans are beautiful, the problem lies in the humans that don't appreciate or are blind to the beauty that is there... enough philosophy for this A.M, I've not even had my coffee yet...
We slept very well last night, both having basked in the exilir of life provided by an amourous romp. The coolness of the night seemed to promote an evening of peaceful rest without the constant tossing and turning that usually accompanies a humid and thus sticky environment.
We are up early, thanks to the children who in their preoccupation with the TV managed to allow the baby to topple over and whack his head on the floor... thankfully, the floor is covered with 1/2" foam tiles with various animal shapes in them so that cushioned the fall and it was only from a sitting position. Nora launched herself like a cheap chinese missle from the bed in her response to the sound of his wailing. Funny, she can sit right next to me and not hear a thing I say. Women have a unique ability that way I think.
We tentativly are to take a trip today to Nora's mothers crypt, it again will depend on Alex who is her cousin but not in my mind the most responsible person I know. Culturally different in their appreciation of the supposed urgency that we Westerners put on almost every aspect of our lives... They seem more like the Spanish and tend to approach things in a much more leisurly fashion with urgency only shown at the sight of arterial bleeding or some other such trauma.
It rained last night which I am quite certain attributed to the coolness in the air. This morning there is no humidity that is noticeable 99 percent of the time here.
Well, I shall hit the "Post" button and thus expose you to the result of my fermented thoughts... May the day bring you happiness.
••• Well, we did go to the SM mall again today, we stopped on the way in Marilao and got some medicine for Nora's skin itch and some binder clips for Joyce. From there, we went to the mall where we had lunch at Pizza Hut and the pizza really was pretty darn good. After Lunch, Nora went to the gorcery store to buy stuff, she dumped an easy 1,000p there and then we went to the cake store to buy a birthday cake for our birthday girl, Joyce Anne... she is 13 today, starting a new saga in her life... the life of most teens that I know are quite exciting and tumultous at times coupled with a lot of peer induced stress and surrealistic expections on their own behalf. She will manage though. We arrived home again at about 2:40 and Nora is arranging things so that all that needs refrigeration will be duly afforded that luxury. She will go to Divine market later and get the ice cream that will accompany the birthday cake. Not much happened outside of what I've written here, we never did make it to Marikina to Nora's mothers crypt, but another time I suppose. It is not raining at the moment so that is nice, I am sure that it will at the earliest possible inconvenient moment. Murphy's law and all considered. Lollie, sorry the connection was so lousy today, I did enjoy talking what little we were able to though, You will maybe never know the joy it brings my heart to hear your voice. (never thought you would hear me say that now did ya???). Anyhow, this about concludes this posting... at least for the moment.
From denny's iPad...
1 comment:
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the sweet thirteen, huh? Well, a very, very Happy Birthday to Joyce Ann !!!! What a great age to be, especially when she gets here with all the little friends that she will have, the slumber parties, friends and movies, friends over to play the Wii and have a slumber party there too !!!! Yes, you my brother can be a teenager again, having two in the house now !!!!
Oh, and when those hormones start, fun , fun !!!! Hopefully, she will be the superb specimen of a teenager that I was. Perfect to the umpt degree !!!
Are you smiling and laughing your cazoo off yet ????? Hmmmmmmmmmmm, hope she does not acquire any of your teenage genes through osmosis or something !
It is another gorgeous day here today and I had my post-op appointment with Dr. Slater this morning. He was in a great mood, as was I and the stitches came sliding out without a hitch. Of course, the tiny little sting, but other than that....a snap ! He told me my wrist was healing up beautiful and that I can now do whatever I want as long as it does not hurt. If it hurts, don't do it for now......... I see him again in 1 month to see how things are doing. He is a great Doc and I will take him some fresh baked cookies in as a nice thank you !!!! I'll bet not too many patients do that !
Ed and Bonnie are both seeing the doctor today as they both have an infection that needs antibiotic care. Then should be feeling much better very soon.
David called this morning to check in on Gareth and I to see how we are doing. I need to send him a quick note about my appointment.
Your last comment brother meant the world to me. I miss you so much and just hearing your voice almost daily makes this distance much more bearable.
I am so happy that you feel the same......
Take care and have a great, great day !!!!!
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