Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Clean clothes and bedding will be the result of the toil expended this day...

Nov 28, 2010

Peaceful night, Nora and I played "Words with Friends" until we couldn't keep our eyes open any more then went to sleep... it was a cool night and I must say we slept well. Nothing to wake us up, no dogs barking, turkeys gobbeling, cats crying or goats goating... I liked it...

We stopped yesterday at Globe, they are supposed to be sending a technician out sometime this morning to check the modem and see why our connection is so slow and poor... relative to what it had been up to a week ago anyway... We will go to church this morning or so Nora says anyway.

Nothing planned for today, Laundry is being attacked by a neighborhood lady that Nora hires for 250p and that pays for a full days labor doing laundry... not too bad a deal and it keeps Nora from having such pain in her hips and back from being stooped over all day long and scrubbing laundry. (yesserie bob, even today as in our Pioneer days, laundry gets hand scrubbed... for some it is on river rocks and others use a brush and a flat board).. Me, I throw it in the washer and push a button... Ah, for the want of Oregon rain and conveniences only imagined here.

God bless you all and may he shed his blessings abundantly over you. I love and miss you !!!

From denny's iPad...

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