Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Laundry, cleaning, moving bedrooms... adventure...FRICKIN ANTS !!!!

Nov 14, 2010

Nothing earth shattering happened yesterday, it was a wonderfully non stressful day, we spent about an hour at Joyce's school before seeing the teacher and divesting ourselves of yet another 180p... PTA and associated graft... the Philippines mafia never sleeps.

Joyce is being move up to a higher level within her class because of sustained good grades and attitude... she is a wonderful girl even though she is now a teen... I am proud to list her as a daughter.

From the school, Nora and I proceeded to SM mall and browsed there for awhile, grabbed a quick bite to eat, stopped at the bread store on the way out and then proceeded home again. Not one argument did we have and it was just pure unadulterated fun. The mall is truly in the Christmas season and was literally packed with people, (it generally is though).

I hope Nora doesn't read this, but I really have to tell you... Philippino women have really beautiful legs. (the rest of their bodies is nice too but I have always been a leg man...) I know, it's a curse, but I will live with it for now. Not to say that Nora doesn't have nice legs too, because she does...

We slept well until early in the morning, probably about 1 or 2am.. we were both bitten by those frigging ants, little bastards that they are. I don't know from where they came but we ended up having to shake out the sheets and hope for the best... each bite produces a welt similar to what a mosquito leave so I have numerous lumps on my torso. The buggers are so small too, maybe a 1/16th of an inch long but have dragon teeth and pit viper venom... I should send some to Cecil.

Anyway, we've had coffee and have hired a boy to clean the little apartment next door where Nora and I will sleep in the future... it is the apartment that Uncle Edwin and Aunty Linda will stay when they come to Marilao... they are Alex's parents and own the complex. They will probably only stay 4 to 5 days.

We will sleep there cause it has windows and will be more private (something direly lacking in our present abode...) added to the fact that the windows will provide some cross ventilation... just being out of the kitchen will be nice.

Nora's plans for this day involve laundry so we won't be going anyplace that I can think of with the exception of Divine market I suppose. God how I miss american food... One doesn't really appreciate the decadent nature of our diets until we are deprived of them... Lolly you are so lucky !!!

From denny's iPad...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, brother....I guess those darn ants must be the most pesky devils there that you have to deal with. Jeeeeeeez, I wuuld hate that....Really, I would hate that !!!!

We just finished watching a movie called "China Moon" and was it ever good. Alfred Hitcock would be proud of it. I prepared a nice fresh salad for us for dinner with avocado, deep red grapefruit segments, tomatoes and cucumber. it was so good !

I am waiting for Sumitra to make another move on Words, as I made the last one. Gareth may start playing a game with her also, but I need to get him set up first.

I would like to be in bed by 11:00 tonight as we plan to go to church. I still get tired from the allergy outbreak, but hope to feel even better within the next couple of days.

Our plans are so "Up in The Air" about Thanksgiving this year....I don't know what is going to happen. The last news was that we were going to have dinner at Eric and Debbie's but now that has been called off.

I may just be siting at home this year having nothing.....nothing at all. Hmmmmmmmmmm, that will make for a bleak day !

Anyway, I don't have much other news tonight. Tell Nora that I will send her an invitation again to be my neighbor on Farmville. Have her watch for it.

Much love incase we do not speak again tonight.