Ah, the sweet aroma of a cup of hot coffee... even if I did make it myself ! Nora asked me for a Benedryl last night, or rather at 12:30am after she tended to an irritable baby... After giving her the pill, she made it about 15 minutes and lights went out. I think that the 50mg pill is a tad much for her so will next time buy the 20mg version. She did sleep soundly though, I am not sure she even moved during the rest of the night until I woke her at 7:15 this morning.
I don't pertend to like babies, sure, they are cute (at times) but to me they are more of an annoyance, constantly wanting what we rational adults know will harm them and fussing about unimaginable things that to this day remain unseen by adult eyes... and the crying for no reason (at least one we adults can fathom), but then there are the times that are filled with the inexplicable little smiles and chortles and chuckles that they make. I am going to go on record with my most unpopular belief, at least among women... Birth, is the miracle, conception included in that realm, babies are not.. they are just the product of the miracle. Sorry ladies, thats my story and I refuse to budge from it.
Having said that, even though baby denny tends to annoy at times, there are many times and they've increased lately, that I find being around him is a pleasurable experience... I personally prefer children who are about 2 years and older.
I might also go on record as saying the one primary thing that irritates me about children in general is the pitch at which they wail... it literally brings pain to my audible system and other loud high pitched sounds do the same so it is not just the children, however, they can instantly reach that level with absolutely no warning.... but, I still love them. Sucker that I am.
The people from the store up the road came in search of the two 500 ml bottles of Red Horse... I will have to get them from Alex today and return them to her.
I slept pretty well although I seemed like I had a fight with one of Nora's long black hairs that kept appearing in my face... it was a random hair, not attached to her any longer but seemed to be intertwined with my own because I could not for the life of me brush it away. I took a bath early, before Nora awoke and managed to get rid of it along with sleep leftovers.
It is Monday again and Nora starts another week of treatments. I cannot help but believe, if she were in the United States, that there would possibly be a newer and more effective and certainly shorter treatment available to her. Here in the Philippines, we are not, I believe, afforded the absolute latest in pharmaceuticle wonder drugs and the treatment for TB has evolved over the past 50 or so years. But, it is what it is and we have that to deal with.
Whatever posessed you to remove your body from a nice warm bed will I hope in some way contribute to your happiness today my friends. Later I will pen more should it deem worthy...
From denny's iPad...
1 comment:
Hello brother,
I would hope that when you told kenneth how to prepare the goulash dish that you seem to love (does sound yummy) that this was a cooking lesson for his future use when he is on his own. Would be most helpful if approached that was, which I am sure you did on your own. Cute that he took a bow....more than likely deserved !!
Happy to hear that you worked out the leeches that latched onto your connection ! Also good to keep peace with the closer family member that helps you out from time to time.
Gareth, Eric, Debbie and I had a blast at the nightclub last night. A knock off band from, "Steeling Dan" a band from the 70's was fantastic....maybe even better than the original band ! We first had dinner at a new place that had Ramen Dishes of all sorts !!! Debbie and I had the spareribs with noodles and the broth was incredible. This will definitely be on our favorites list.
After the night out....Gareth and I came home and put together our two shoe boxes of gifts and essentials for a boy and a girl of some 3rd world African Country. It was fun putting them together. We also put in a Christmas card and wrote a short, plain note. We were going to also put our picture in, but could not get our printer to print it out for some reason. I may just have to talk to you about that. The printer was not picking out the paper to the best of my knowledge.
We or shall I say, I wrapped the boxes, wrapping the lid separately incase they wanted to inspect them.
It was fun. I then checked for you on the computer but you were not there. Even though your bubble was yellow, you were not there. We then got ready for bed so we could go to church the next day.
We also purchased a frozen turkey along with some fixings for a family in need. Gareth and I also contributed money to a church in Sacraments that feeds over 2,000 dinners to those less fortunate for Thanksgiving. We may even go somewhere to serve dinners and help out this year. Not sure yet as Eric and Debbie may have dinner at their home this year.
Anyway, enough for this blog !!!!!
Much Love.......
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