The remainder of yesterday was mundane, nothing to really write about so we will let it go at that... Nora and I played some "Words with Friends" and then off to bed with us.
Slept well, 'cept for when Nora woke me up to put some medicine on her back because it was itching a lot. I don't think that will go away until her treatments are finally done.
Today, Nora got up at 5am to get Joyce ready for her 6am departure to class... (they have odd school times here). Then she brought coffee over and we had some home made rice cereal which was good but had too much ginger in it for my taste buds.
Later I made the bed and changed the sheets and pillow cases as per the request of the Queen of the castle.
She puttered around most of the morning and I took her to catch the bus about noon. It is 3:47 PM and she is on the way home but just barely started.
She told me she had to buy some project for Joyce, news to me as Joyce said nothing about it last night. Wondering how much that cost me... then there is the running pants for Kenneth, another 550p expense we'd not counted on...
Yesterday I ordered the money from RemitHome, this time it cost me 1,010.00 to get 43,000p. I will pay the rent on the bedroom apt in full thru June of next year. Probably after the first of the year I will also pay the rent for the main apt thru June. I just hope my taxes are small or non existant this year... I don't need anymore surprises.
Have your selves a dandy day and evening and I will add to this if it becomes necessary...
••• Well, the remainder of the afternoon provided nothing notable to write about, Nora made it home about 3:45 or so and I found out the project that Joyce had involved a yard or so of material and some elastic banding... don't know what she will make with it but I am sure we will find out sooner or later... Alex told me today that he will likely pay me back the loan I gave him tomorrow or the next day... Lollie, I am sorry the connection was so lousy today.. we have had some sterling conversations though so I suppose we can chock this one up to Murphy's law. Nora is in the midst of cooking some chicken for dinner, that and the proverbial rice... plain and white just the way I don't like it... Life is wonderful. I should get the money I sent for sometime this week which will include her December budget and some extra for me that I usually end up spending on her anyway. I must keep some to pay for the impending trip to Basud which will take the better part of 5,000p for 5 adult round trip tickets. I may convert some USD before we go so that I have money to support whims and whimsical thoughts and impulses that may descend upon me during the season. I don't plan any extravagent spending though, it just isn't in the budget. I will close this off now and hope that it updates you enough that you can get a good nights sleep... yuk yuk yuk...
From denny's iPad...
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