Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Document from My Writing Nook: Jan 28, 2011

Jan 28, 2011

Not much transpired yesterday afternoon, I picked up Nora at 3:30pm and brought her home. We decided to buy Lorane some anti-biotics for his ankle as the swelling indicates a low grade infection and we know he doesn't have the money to buy the pills even though they are cheap. After watching her Soap Opera, we mananged dinner. We watched some TV, at about 7:30 I went to take a bath then read some of a story on the iPad.

We slept well, it was quiet, no music and no dogs and the air was cool and we were both quite happy... One small cloud was the fact that Nora's sister, Lucilyn, the one we stayed with in Korea, is seeking to leave her husband as he as acquired a girlfriend and they've had trouble for quite awhile now, the complicating factor is now rather than just their son, they have a daughter to consider and Korean law dictates that the man is automatically given custody of the children. I suppose there are exceptions to that, but not being familiar with Korean issues, I cannot say which way this deal will go.

I am considering going to SM mall this day to get more of the I-130 forms so I can fill them out this weekend prior to going to the US Embassy on Monday. I still don't know whether I will have to pay the $340 just for Nora or for all 3 of them. With the K-1 I only had to pay $455 and it included the children also. I will see I suppose. Another question is whether I need to pay with a check drawn from a US bank seeing as how I will be filing from here in the Philippines. If I need a check, I may implore Gareth to get me one and send it to me via courier or LBC courier services... so many questions and they all take time to be answered... no wonder it takes so long to process paperwork here.

Jenny, Father and baby denny will arrive in the morning...

To be continued...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

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