Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Saturday, family all together and I feel like a money changer...

Jan 29, 2011

Jenny, Father and baby denny arrived this morning about 6:30 or 7am. They took a cab from Manila out here, 300p that Nora paid and represented 1/2 of the fare.

They all look good 'cept that baby denny has an allergy so a runny nose and eyes. Other than that, he seems in great spirits and right at seeing me wanted me to pick him up.

Nora and I went into Marilao, she did some shopping for meat and such and then we came back home. Father is investigating the seemingly high electricity usage of our apartment. I hope he finds something that might be causing the high electricity bills.

Alex came to me and again borrowed, this time the sum of 5,000p which he promised to pay back half tomorrow and the remaining 2,500p on Tuesday... Ana is supposed to pay me 5,000p back on Monday. Together, they are into me for 10,000p.

I also gave Nora 2,500p for the remainder of January's budget, a little more than her deserved 2,400p.

The money from RemitHome should arrive this afternoon I hope, I got the email from them this morning.

We might go to a movie tonight, or maybe not, depends on when the money gets here.

Last night Nora had another headache, seemed to be behind her eyes and temples, it could be from a sinus problem or who knows what else could have brought it on... she was restless and didn't go to sleep until well after midnight. Once she settled down, I was able to go to sleep also.

The day is basically open so I don't know just what will transpire, but if anything out of the ordinary happens, I will inform you via this blog... a continuing journal of my journey...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

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