Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Friday again... tomorrow is entertainment day for the whole family...

Jan 14, 2011

The "Box" today being it's projected arrival date has sparked the interest of Nora to a high degree... I told her this morning after we woke up, that if the box came during the day that she would have to wait to open it until all of us were present, Kenneth, Joyce Herself and I. She let out a wail of Nooooooooooooooo... but I insisted, it is a christmas box, not a personal present to her... She is as excited as a little child on Christmas morning...

Slept good with the exception of the stupid dogs outside that seem inclined to bark at molecules of air, waving grass and any myraid of other things unseen by the human eye... the slingshot that Rnan made me though inferior, still proves capable of moving them whence I get them in my sights. My new slingshot will prove much more deadly a weapon I am sure.

Friday, it seems I have spent so many of them here, they just keep rolling on by... I still don't have my iCard, though it should be ready almost any day now...

Tomorrow we will go to the SM Mall where Nora will get her hair treatment and we will look at DVD players and then later take in a movie and have dinner afterwards... it will cost a little money, but the family will have a good time and that is most important.

We shall see how the day unfolds, it is ever a wonder to me the things that can come up in the period from sunrise to sunset...

Bless you all.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

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