Friday, what a great name for the last day of the week... well I consider it the last day although if you look at the week in biblical terms then Sunday would be the great finale... but as a prior working stiff, I consider Friday the end of the toil of the work week... holding the weekend separate and most reverent... Only my humble opinion I assure you...
We slept good last night, after the community visitation that was happening right ouside our door finally died down. Amazing that we sleep only 10 feet from the local meeting area of what at times seems to be the major populace of the Philippines... Gosh it gets busy and noisy at times...
Nora could not reach Immigration about the iCard yesterday so she will attempt to call them again today... I would like to get the card, but it seems to be taking an eternity for them to produce it...
Tomorrow we will go to SM Mall and mess around awhile, take in a movie and then eat and perhaps come back home before night time arrives...
Nora told me yesterday that Jenny had told Father that she doesn't think that I like her... I explained to Nora that I love Jenny, it is the things that she does and the way she at times acts that I don't like... there is a major difference between loving someone and not loving some things that they may do. I think that Nora understands that now... it is like I told her that I love my Grandson, but I don't want to raise him or have he and his mommy live in my house with us... my wish for her is independence and a place of her own where she can raise her child in safety and comfort rather than impose herself and child on my life and home where I already have a family to raise... I hope that doesn't come across as being crass or stingy.
It takes being on one's own to hasten maturity and develope skills that are needed to survive in this world, I don't want to assume the roll of welfare daddy to Jenny, I want to be there to help and guide her in her quest to live in the States... close to us of course, but not with us.
Anyway, that is my take on the matter, if you have opinions or thoughts, please feel free to express them at will... I will answer all questions and venture opinions when they are asked of me.
Love life, Love yourself and Love others... Today is the continuation of the beginning and as such remains the beginning of the eventual end.
Take care everyone... smile, you are on lifes camera.
••• Well, Nora was really late today, I went to wait for her at the bus stop about 3:20, figuring that she would be there about the time I got there, waited an hour and no Nora... Came back to the apartments and Kenneth said she Text'd him for me to come get her, but by that time the motor was gone again... she came home a little after 5Pm in a tri-cab... She had gone to Immigration about 1pm and waited then about 2:30 she left there, went to St. Lukes clinic and then back to Immigration as the card was ready to issue... she went to get the card and found that she hadn't brought any ID to prove she was my wife so she will or we will get it Monday... At least it's done... Thank God Had a great dinner and there is a rolling thunder/lightning storm passing thru the Marilao area right at the moment... don't know how long it will last but it is dropping some rain and has cooled the temps down so that is good... Alex and I will got to the Shell station about 7:30am tomorrow... he is to repay me then, the 2,000p he borrowed today...
From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)
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