Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Monday, January 24, 2011

World War?? no just a bottle fed battle, more common than you imagine.

Jan 25, 2011

Ah, yesterday was a good day all in all, when Nora and I go home from Manila, we found that Alex and a group of the local guys were gathered around the little store next to us at a table and were making serious about emptying a fifth of Brandy... (one of many to follow). They were all in good spirits and the party was in full swing...

We had dinner and watched some TV until later, around 9:30 when the party had moved from in front of our sleeper apartment to the back where the boys were and the warehouse where they live and the cookies are produced is ( a matter of about 25 feet).

Nora and the kids and I were watching a show on TV when all hell broke loose and an fight ensued between a visiting ex-neighbor and one of the squatter guys that lives just up the lane... the fight evidently started just after Sara, the ex's wife came to take him home... We don't know what sparked the altercation but then RePing, Alex's father in law became involved and a lot of cussing and shoving occurred, I stepped in to keep them apart but was soon shuffled aside and the battle continued out into the street in front of our place... Now you need to realize that RePing is just shy of my age and is here more than he is at home with his wife... He is always here when there is any kind of drinking party at all and for the most part is quiet and nice to be around...

The problem is that his courage and loud mouth are normall kept stopped up in a bottle, but once the stopper is removed out comes all the bravado and big mouth... and it is ill applied to the general population... Last night got a little scarry as one of the squatters came to the ensuing battle with a baseball bat and the central character (squatter) went home and got a knife... That adds an element of excitement that I could certainly do without. We, not me but all of the others, managed to separate them and Alex took the ex-neighbor and his wife and kids home and I don't know for sure where RePing and the Squatter guy went...

The rest of the evening was of course devoted to conversation regarding what and how it all came about. Nora and I went to bed shortly thereafter and slept well although I did have occasion to get up once to apply a well placed pebble to the side of a yapping mutt which ended his/her racket for the rest of the night...

Nothing at all planned for today, it shall remain so as near as I can tell, with the small exception of a trip to Kenneth's college to see what has happened that caused him to no longer want to attend...

Have a wonderful day all who read this rambling account of the daily events that compile my day...

Nick if you read this, know that I intend to reply to the wonderful letter that you wrote me and Lollie, yes, I did miss chatting with you yesterday...

Later all

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

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