The evening passed nicely, I gave Joyce back her shoes that she had left outside on Friday night... she was worried that she would have to have new ones... maybe a good lesson I told her, remember to do it everyday when you get home and it becomes a habit.
We slept good, talked some of retirement income that Mr. Robert has vs mine and Mr. Lloyd vs mine, I explained to Nora that they retired before I did but at higher rank and therefore they may make more in retirement than I do... I don't care, I make enough to live fairly well so that is all that is important to me. Money is not the driving factor in my life although I enjoy the toys... always the toys.
It was warm when we finally went to sleep, the cool weather I fear is a thing of the past now and the temps that are coming will be quite uncomfortable at least to me..
This being Monday, a new week starts with new adventures I suppose. I must make sure that Maria sent off the tax stuff to Lollie for me... that will end her involvement except for gathering the daily mail.
Nothing of any importance to write so I shall close it off for now...
Oh, Gosh I almost forgot... today (tomorrow there) is Melissa's birthday.
From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)
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