Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Saturday, perhaps a movie and dinner at SM... either way it is good.

Feb 12, 2011

Well the evening went well, Uncle had his 60th birthday (he is relative of Father), I bought him a magnum fifth of light Brandy and a package of (ugh!!!) cigarettes. I went back to the factory and had a couple of beers with the little party but eventually Nora told me that I should stay with her so I chose to do just that and let the boys and Uncle party on by themselves...

I went to the sleeper apt. and shortly after Nora came over... we listened to music, chatted a bit and generally were quite happy with the day and eveing events. I changed the orientation of our pillows so that now our heads are down at the end of the bed that occupied our feet which makes the fan blow air down from our heads towards our feet which has the added advantage of moving any foul air that might be lurking about to our feet rather than up our noses... Funny, Nora thought that was a great idea ;)...

She did tell me that there is some Filipino custom regarding sleeping with your feet towards the door?? I have never heard of it, but do remember that many believe that the cardinal reference of your body in repose can affect your health... preferred direction is to lie oriented North and South as opposed to East and West. This, if I remember comes from some Egyptian thinking.

This morning Nora wants to go to Marilao for some shopping and then this afternoon we will go to SM Mall for a movie and dinner and I will return the sprayer that I got at ACE hardware as defective.

The kids are still asleep, well I could clarify that and say were asleep, and Kenneth still is.

The baby is standing in the doorway leading outside and taking a leisurly piss... Life here is uncomplicated, at least for babies. It is the allowing of things like that to happen that bother me, my slippers covered with baby pee which is pretty nasty smelling first thing in the morning... I just don't know where her mind is located sometimes... Perhaps I over-react, maybe not, but baby pee on my shoes doesn't bring a smile to my face in the morning...

Well that event is passed so we move on and hopefully the day will resolve itself in a total immersion in happiness, at least that is my goal.

Have a wonderful day, I will probably write a little more after we return from Marilao.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

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