Yesterday turned into a little bit more than I planned, financially speaking, a little over 2,000p spent, 600p on the girls hair and my foot care, (I also had Nora's feet done). Joyce's hair though is absolutely beautiful and Nora's is looking a lot healthier and will be great in a few more treatments... she chose not to have the hot oil treatment this time though.
From the salon, we came back home and had some lunch and after that, about 1:30 we left to go to the SM Mall where I bought a transformer and some bygone bug spray for both outside the apartment and some you can safely use inside. I also bought a pump sprayer to use with the external bygone. We stopped in at Jollibee's to have some french fries and a sundae.
On the way out of the mall, we stopped at "Pan de Manila" a bakery in the mall and Nora got some bread and also some rolls for the kids (sweet ones of course). From there, we caught a Jeepster and made the sojourn back to Divine and took a tricycle home.
The remainder of the afternoon was spent doing mundane house things and listening to music on the cube.
Night came, Jenny and Alyssa (Alex's daughter) went to town and when she got back I noticed that Jenny had gotten her hair cut and now is sporting bangs, my gosh, how styles change.
Sleep was good for the most part, I only had to get the dogs once and it was a direct hit so no further peeps from them.
I am enjoying my morning coffee right now, the laundry lady is in the midst of getting the wash taken care of and Nora is probably making sure that breakfast (whatever it might be) is in the process of making an appearance. We will go to church today.
I close for now...
From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)
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