We rose at 7:45am, coffee is present and the pen flows, a hug and best wishes from my wife and smiles and the same from the children... a great way to start any day and I should hope you all have a similar experience...
Yesterday concluded much as any other, dinner, Nora doing dishes (last night she really scrubbed down the kitchen area because of the accumulation of oil film that permeates the area due to the cooking conditions. Then she finally came over to the sleeper room about 9:50 after watching a TV show with the kids. We chatted, she has a friend in Taiwan who is married to a Taiwanese and keeping a filipino boy friend (her childs father)... Nora and I share a disdain for people who do things like that... we are for monogonomous relationships, we don't share or keep outside boy/girl friends.
She told me that she didn't put her phone down till 11:45 last night and then didn't fall asleep till about 1am... She will have a long day.
Today is a blue sky and I am pretty certain that it will hit 90˚ today if not a shade higher...
Yesterday afternoon I sent a link to a page for a do it yourself tax program to Claudine to get her opinion... I may use that to file my taxes here in the Philippines this year... the program is free or you can buy a deluxe model for only $17.95 which would be a bargain.
Nora and I shopped a little after going to church yesterday afternoon but wouldn't you believe it, nothing for breakfast today... weird... I will have to educate her on the virtues of planning a weeklong menu so that shopping becomes less of a daily chore. Odd, Mom shopped that way and Lollie and Gareth for all the food they have in their home, still have to hit the grocery store almost every day for something...
Well, that is it for the day I guess.
Enjoy your day, be nice to each other and those you chance to encounter this very special and love filled day... God be with you always and protect you always.
••• Things are never as one hopes, it is 4:29 PM and Alex came to borrow yet another 1,000p. I don't know how life must be to constantly live on the borrow of someone else, to never ever have a reserve. I have put myself in a much more secure environment than that and I will never allow myself to drop to that level again (I hope).
From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)
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