Good Morning !! Yesterday afternoon and evening were pleasant, but the weather remained sultry and uncomfortable to me and made taking an additional shower a matter of survival. Nothing significant happened, Nora was talking about her friend Ghia, who according to Nora is a chronic braggard and a liar to boot. They became friends when both were in Taiwan together.
She asked me to remove Ghia from her facebook, and I told her to wait a day and think the matter over, she knows that the lady brags and tells fibs so why delete her, just sit back and revel in the fact that you know she is a chronic fibber and also that she is very jealous of the situation you find yourself in... you are the lucky one I told her.
We both managed to fall asleep after Nora attacked me physically, my goodness, I found her checking out porn on her iPhone... actually we watched some in Korea together too... No, it is not habitual, but sorta fun once in awhile. Anyway, AFTER the event, we slept then she woke up scared form having a dream again of ghosts and goblins... I told her she is superstitious and of course she denied it but she truly is as a re many of the filipinos.
Today of course is Tuesday, another trip to Manila for Nora and I will wait here and see if we get something in the mail... It is so difficult for me to wait, I might pen a letter to Wells Fargo outlining what I want from them after I read the requirements of the I-864 again. It will be a blessing when this whole thing is done.
I see that the sky promises another hot day with humidity added. Just gets hotter and hotter every day... but I knew that this was the hot part of the year from talking to the residents here and Nora and Alex.
Well enjoy the day, Sister, I hope we can connect today via YM, I miss my morning talks with you and Gareth... but you are never ever far from my thoughts, remember that !!
From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)
1 comment:
Thank you for that is nice to hear. Well, the wind is really starting to kick up (It is 12:59) and I am trying to get Gareth to go shower and get ready for bed. Tonight was garbage night, so just as Gareth was putting everything out for tomorrows pick-up, the rain really blasted him a good one. He came in shaking off the rain from his jacket...teasingly spraying me and then cuddling up next to me....the Rat ! I'm tired...I need to remind him again.
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