Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ah, laundry day and the last day of the week... tomorrow continues the trek

Apr 10, 2011

Nora left yesterday about 2:30pm and went to Marilao and then to the SM Mall where she got some personal items and also our weekly supply of Cheetos.... damn, you would not think one could get addicted to those things but you can I tell you. She got home about 5pm and of the 1,000p I gave her, there was no change... surprised?? not me. The only thing she forgot and me also, was to pay the cable bill of 1,000p. Speaking of that, Alex has agreed to split the cost of the cable bill once we leave so Jenny will have a connection, having Nora's phone and all so communication will still occur even though it may be thru FaceBook or Messenger. So Jenny will just have to pay 500p per month

Nora will go to church this morning and while in Divine, she will buy a couple of brooms for the apts. The ones I bought are darn near worn out now... a lot like me.

I think that Nora will go to church later this morning or perhaps this afternoon as she told me she has something to do, which is to prepare lunch as Kenneth is helping out in the Factory today to make and deliver the cookies.

We slept good last night, the foot pain has subsided considerably and the pain that was starting in the right toe seems to have gone away so that is wonderful and relieves me of some discomfort. The other foot, the left one, seems to decreased in the swelling and the pain is nominal so I feel I am on the mend... BTW Gareth, I had Nora buy me a big jug of Red Tea, I am thinking that may become my drink of choice until I can get the medicine to circumvent these gout attacks.

Hope you are enjoying your beautiful Saturday and that you have some nice plans for tonight... take care and remember you are both always in our thoughts...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

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