Wow... Sweltering would be a relief compared to the temperatures of yesterday, Hotttest day so far this year and much more to come. Sleeping only came after getting up at 10:30pm and showering again to remove the sweat film from my body... Nora complained also of being too hot so I finally convinced her to sleep only in her shirt and panties rather than shorts... It's not much but it helps.
Nora asked me this morning while we were waking up if I still Loved her... Made me realize that I have been slipping backwards, especially with the arrival of the hot weather... I tried to explain to her that even though I may get angry with her, it in no way diminishes my love for her... Problem with that logic is that people most closely relate to how you treat them, not how you feel about them. I am once again shifting course in my attitude and taking inventory of my thoughts and actions with the intent of purging those that threaten my and Nora's happiness. I also told her that I appreciate her telling me that I am not being good or that my actions cause her to question my love... It is a stark reminder of how easy it is to become complacent in our actions to one another...
"Familiarity breeds contempt", I don't know who said it, but the way I interpret it is if you become too completely comfortable in any relationship, you start taking things for granted and lose the desire to keep impressing the person... not a good situation for anyone in love to be in and it is a situation that I am trying to avoid like the plague. I Love my new wife and family and am ever thankful for them and will do and sacrifice to any end to keep them and keep them happy.
God was so good to me to provide me with an ideal family and a chance to re-discover happiness... In no way to I plan to Jeopardize that gift.
I will be staying at home today and Nora will be going to another of the "FEW" remaining trips she makes to Manila and St. Lukes clinic.
It was 96˚ yesterday at about 4:30pm with high humidity... it is probably going to be the same or hotter today...
Have a great day and cherish those you love for the love they give you is a gift beyond compare...
••• Nora came to me and said Ate Linda wanted to borrow 1,800p again this month as LiliBeth had not yet sent them money... so I will collect the rent from the Neighbor again on the 10th of May.
From denny's iPad...
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