10 days left...
The end of June not only brings us to July, it signals to me the end of my extended stay here in the Philippines is near... only a week and a half and I will fly home to Oregon and anxiously await the arrival of my new family. I have much to do when I get back home, there won't be leisure time right away...
Not only do I have to take care of getting my home ready for the new family, I also have to address the issue of Mom's house, getting it clean and perhaps ready to rent or lease, depending on what Sister and I decide to do with it. Selling it seems to be the least attractive of the options we face due to the repressed housing market... 'tis difficult for me to believe it has lost nearly a 1/3rd of it's value... I never thought that could happen but then neither did the millions of folks that have experienced the same thing with their homes...
Cecils passing did open some opportunities though, but I sure wish Lollie and Gareth could come up to help with the distribution of the contents of the house... I am sure there are some things Lollie and Gareth would like to have and if they don't want them perhaps I would make use of them with my new family.
I am bitter/sweet about leaving, I am excited to get home and see all my friends and sad to leave my lovely wife and children here in the Philippines. I can only pray that it is for a very short time, we have waited so long now.
We may go to Marilao this morning to look for new floor covering for the big apartment, maybe not the kitchen, maybe only the living room as that is where the majority of time is spent... and there will just be Jenny and the Baby unless she has some cousin move in with her to help with expenses...
Another pretty day here, better than the rain.. speaking of which about 6pm it sprinkled just a tiny bit then quit... gave me a bit of a scare thinking we might have another storm coming.
Nothing special, we slept good and made happy this morning so life makes one smile at times...
Take care all who read this... I will be there soon.
••• Sending 4,000p to Ate Linda to pay up the rent thru December on the big apartment where Jenny will stay.
••• Gave Nora 6,400p for her first week in July budget... I received the 2nd of 3 cash deliveries from RemitHome today. Tomorrow will culminate them.
••• Say what you mean Mean what you say •••
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