Good morning everyone.
Today is Wednesday, July 20 and I have a cold. I really have no idea where this cold came from I seem to have missed a running nose part and gone right into the hacking cough stage. I may stop after coffee and get some cough medicine or some lozenges.
I went to bed last night at about 9:30 PM. I woke up the first time at about 1 AM needing to use the restroom. And the rest of the time in bed was restless. I had a dream actually I had several dreams but in one of them I remember the address of 621 Franklin St. I don’t know why.
If this cough would break up and I could expel some mucus it would help, but right now my throat really feels tight. This is probably one of the occasions where I’m glad Nora and the children are not around. If I can get rid of this cough/cold before they arrive it would be nice. I do know that Nora has a cold also she had complained about a runny nose and sore throat so maybe mine is a sympathy cold.
At 6 AM I will go down to McDonald’s for coffee in the meantime I will see what kind of mail has come in overnight.
After I return home from McDonald’s, I preceded to finish the work on the refrigerator by swapping the door to open on the correct side and installing all the shelving and drawers. It is now plugged in and cooling and this afternoon I will put the food from the other refrigerator into it and possibly move the other refrigerator out to the garage.
I just ordered my free annual credit reports from the three reporting bureaus it will take about two weeks for them to arrive.
I decided to go down to the substation and have a sandwich so I had a turkey bacon avocado sub, an 8 inch one. Have a glass of water to drink and a small bag of Lays chips.
Came back home and emptied the refrigerator that was in the kitchen on the countertops and then put everything in the new refrigerator that I got from mom’s place. I took the old refrigerator out the front door and installed it in the garage and reloaded it lists the various drinks and whatnot that I had in there before.
I haven’t seen hide nor hair of Larry or Laurie today, don’t know what they are doing but they are not working at mom’s house today.
I saw that Maria was online so I chatted with her for a while and she suggested that I add her daughter Annalisa as a friend on both Facebook and Yahoo messenger which I did. I also saw while I was on Facebook that Donna was online and so I chatted with her for a little bit she is still feeling a lot of pain and hurt and has a long ways to go before her relationship with Hal will be healed if ever.
Nora came on at about 6:45 AM her time so we chatted for a little bit and now she’s doing something and will be back a little bit later. She plans to go to SM mall today and check on the BDO debit card for Jenny.
I got a lot done today the refrigerator saga is now complete, and the next thing that I need to complete is a cleaning of the room Kenneth will have. I will move the stuff into the garage temporarily then clean the carpet vacuum and really good then I will put together the bed from down at moms for him to use.
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