Sunday morning. The sky is a little bit overcast and I have not checked to see what the forecast will be for today. It is quite doubtful that there will be any rain.
I may go back out to the backyard and see if I missed any of the dandelions and if I did all pull them up and then I’ll take the ones that I pulled up yesterday out to the pickup load them up.
I just finished speaking with Nora she had left me a message just a moment or two before telling me that she was very tired and going to sleep and that I should just leave her a message. I typed “goodnight honey” to her and a moment later she responded so we chatted for just a little bit then I called her and talk to her for a couple minutes and told her to have a good night sleep well and have nice dreams then we hung up.
The fact of the matter is today’s the 24th here in America and soon will be the 25th for her there in the Philippines. The month of July is almost gone and her visa appointment is right around the corner. I pray to God that her visa interview goes well. The only thing that could give her any trouble but I know of would be to security clearance but even I don’t understand how that could really be a problem, but you never know what the counselor will decide.
I’ve got the house almost done, I still need to clean out Kenneth’s closet and I have a few things to pick up off the floor in our room. I still need to figure out where to put the organ I’m not sure about that just yet I might put it back in Kenneth’s room for the time being.
Well I am thirsty so I think I will go to McDonald’s and have coffee and after that I can come home, change clothes, and get on with the rest of the day.
Had coffee, Ralph was there. I left about 7:30 AM to come back home at which time I started cleaning out the bedroom closet in Kenneth’s room. I’ve got that done, I used the filing cabinet as a storage place for some of the laundry accessories such as soft scrub and little paper things you put in the dryer to keep stuff from clinging together. I also stored some paperwork of my own in the second from the bottom drawer. It will serve a better purpose in the garage than it did in the closet.
I vacuumed the closet floor so it is ready now for the transfer of clothing from my room or I should say Nora and I’s bedroom closet. But she wants me to wait until she gets here before we make the switch so I will. It’s 11 AM now I think I’m done for a while. I will post this for anyone who cares to read it.
I decided to go to the front yard and pull out some of those pesky dandylions, my gosh there were a bunch of ‘em. The tool I use takes a little plug of earth with it when it gets the dandylion so I have all these little holes in the yard... Someday I want to have it tilled up and a new lawn put in. Maybe.
Chatting with Lollie on FaceTime now, she is fixing their coffee drinks now and I hear her but cannot see anything of her, just the dining room table...
I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with some milk for lunch...
It it 4:24 PM and I have been chatting with Nora for about 35 minutes now, she had to go to the CR for a little bit and will call me back when she is finished... She needs to go to Prenza High School and arrange to get all of Joyce’s records and then to SM Mall to check on the debit card for Jenny and also the rates for shipping a box home thru DHL.
Just hung up from chatting with Nora, she will call before she goes to SM Mall...
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